What's at Stake:Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Presented by Candace Cui

Thursday, September 24, 2015, 7:00 - 9:00pm

Before the Avengers made him uberfamous and not as good at writing meaty roles for women, Joss Whedon created the ultimate hero: Buffy Summers. BTVS is characterized by equal amounts of campy horror, teen to adult angst, doomed love, goofy sidekicks, and genuine heart. We'll take a look not only at how one woman sets out to save the world (a lot) but at what being a hero means as a woman in the 90s: how does she balance her life, what does she sacrifice, who supports/harms her, and what does she wear? This is a show with its own mythos and a cast of characters struggling to unravel the mysteries of fate, magic, and giving inanimate objects funny names.

Refreshments: We'll be serving peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, some assembly require. 

About TV Club: 
Every month we gather at the gallery to watch an episode from a beloved TV show. Each episode has been hand picked by an amateur expert who will give a talk about the series and discuss why it’s worthy of their obsession. Snacks inspired by the TV show are also provided.